Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are located at 1449 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1W8. For detailed directions, visit Contact us.

Do you have showers and lockers?

Yes, we provide showers and lockers for our members!

Please bring your own lock for the lockers. Towels and other amenities are also available for your convenience.

Can I still come if I have a prior injury?

If you have an injury prior to starting with us, our coaches will work with you to modify workouts to accommodate prior injuries. We prioritize safety and will work with you to ensure you can participate without risking further injury. Please let us know about your injury before starting.

Do I need to reserve for a class?

Due to limited space and equipment, we do ask that all members and visitors reserve a spot in class. Bookings become available 24 hours in advance for all members and visitors and bookings are to be made either through the ZenPlanner member app, email, or phone call.

How many times per week should I train?

The optimal training frequency depends on your fitness level and lifestyle.

At Dynasty Gym, we recommend starting with 2-3 days per week to allow your body sufficient time to rest and adapt. If you lead a more active lifestyle or have advanced fitness goals, training 4-5 days per week can be beneficial.

What is your membership cancellation policy?

Our cancellation policy allows members to cancel their no-contract monthly recurring memberships with a 5-day notice. For more details on our cancellation policy and how to proceed, please Contact us.

What is the no-show policy?

If you fail to show up to a class you reserved, a $5 no-show fee may be applied to your account. At the moment, we do not have a no-show fee for missed Open Gym reservations.

What are your hours of operation?

Our gym is open Monday to Friday from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM, and on weekends from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Do you have parking available?

Yes, we offer free street parking, a paid lot next to the gym, and also metered parking on the streets.

What safety measures are in place at the gym?

We ensure member safety through regular equipment maintenance, trained staff, surveillance cameras, well-lit areas, and accessible first aid kits and AEDs.

Can I bring my dog?

We are a dog-friendly gym and members may bring their dogs with them so long as they are on a leash and well-behaved.

Are there bike locks?

Our gym has several wall-mounted bike racks inside the gym, monitored by security cameras and our front-of-house staff, so rest assured that your bike will be safe inside the gym!

Can I bring my kid with me?

Children may be brought into the gym so long as they are well-behaved and remain a safe distance away from those working out.

Memberships Holds & Cancellations

Membership Holds

Members can place their monthly recurring memberships on hold at any time. Each member is allocated two free holds per calendar year, with additional holds being available for a $15.00 fee. Holds must be a minimum duration of two weeks and must not be longer than three months. If a member plans on being away for a duration longer than three months, their membership will be cancelled and any grandfathered rates will be forfeited.

If you would like to apply for a membership hold, please email and specify the dates you will be away.

Membership Cancellations

Members may cancel their no-contract monthly recurring plans at any time; however, we do request that you inform us of your desire to cancel at least five days before your next billing cycle. Failure to give adequate notice could result in a $45.00 cancellation fee being applied to your account.

If you would like to request a membership cancellation, please Contact Us and specify when you would like your memberships to end.